lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

The exhibition displayed 10 costumes. Some are still used by farmers and peasant :
1.Typical yucualqueña suit blue and red color worn by the women of the Union.
2. typical peasant costume worn by women from town to the west.

3. Typical XUC Suit, uses blue and white colors.

4. The suit Cacaopera: it belongs to the east, especially in the department of Morazan
5. The typical costume of panchas: is one of the most famous; It is widely used in san salvador, Panchimalco and central.
6. Costume volcaneñas: was imposed as national costume but was originally only used by women of freedom

7. Costume mingueña very common in women of the west.

8. Wear nahuizalqueña used in Sonsonate.

9. typical traditional peasant costume, used in most of the country

10.Traje current campesiono: Suit or linen set that currently can be seen in different parts of our country, always influential former peasant costume, the man is seen in his pants, then are made from the ring "tip cassava. "
The Woman costume is composed of two parts, the workmanship of this is called "full cut" that is attached to the bodice skirt. The blouse is very close to the body and the skirt is paletoneada, the flight is three canvases and long reaches mid-calf. Complement the shawl and carried a towel while

Called folk dances to those who qualify to be anonymous, to be popular and has a social function, clear examples of this are: the bull painted in different versions, the cumpas, the bowl, the Historians.
They are also called projection folk dances are those that reflect a folk made ​​by a choreography. So in a few minutes you can be a dance seen in their home can take hours. Returning to the original but the same steps and stylized form, using the appropriate attire. Presentadola a striking and pleasing to the public way.
It's called manners to those to which the author is known and reflect an everyday activity, such as work for some people, an example of these popular dances are the saws The proclamation of persimmons, Carbonero, starting from this can be done choreography attached to the theme tune or whatever you wanted to reflect this artistic production.
What follows are some dances with a short description of each, which will classify by geographic area at the end are popular or folkloric dances character.

The jeu jeu :.
The cumpas:
The melody of "cumpas of Jayaque" I got the Philharmonic José Cabrera Valencia
Vulture Dance
This dance is given in Concepcion I attack, Ahuachapan. It consists of oldies (masks) Feathered Cacaopera: The black Cacaopera

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